I am feeling happy today. I am Grateful<3:
~Happiness today.
~Being able to fully enjoy my first holiday with my little family.
~Being focused on what was best for my family so we could enjoy the day.
~Self control to eat only one delicious plate of food and the control to not scrape it clean.
~Self control to only have half a slice of pie and three nibbles of dessert.
~A three hour nap with my family.
~Health and solid poops.
~Being able to make a delicious pie from scratch.
~Taking a three hour nap with my family.
~Being able to have some alone time with my man.
~Veggies and dip.
~A healthy baby who likes to play I'm going to get you and do pull-ups
~Ryan's little sister Kim coming home and being in very uplifting spirits.
~The motivation to run for the first time in almost a month.
~The motivation to do my squats and push ups.
~The beauty of the fresh fallen snow.
~My ability and means to drive home safely to enjoy this day.
~My newly cleaned space.
~My in-law family
~My family
~My friends.
~The wonderful support system I've found.
~This day.
~Happiness <3
Thursday, November 27, 2014
Reflections of Thankfulness
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Last Sunday of November.
I can't say I'm totally in love with feeling like my insides are falling out. However, the day was filled with lovely things. Peanut butter toast for breakfast, tea for the ride to Barre, my hour and a half long yoga class... great start to the day:) After yoga, I was able to take some additional time to myself and visit Andi and Barb and brush some ponies. I spent a lot of time brushing a pony names Sunny D who happily stood for me to brush him for an extended period of time. He would randomly talk to me and try to convince me that I should feed him the carrots in my pockets. He's a beautiful guy. He also licked my face, which I can't say has ever happened to me before. Andi was unfortunately preoccupied by a bunch of visitors, but it allowed me to get my Zen on and brush Sunny D and hum to myself quietly. I secretly wish Ryan and I will get a house big enough for me to keep Sunny there for Barb. A girl can dream right?
I had a really nice and mellow day at my mom's. The weather was gorgeous and I managed to scrape myself outside to play with Lucy. We ran around and I pushed her in the airplane swing. At one point, Lucy had asked my sister Deidra to throw a rock into the water. When the rock landed on ice and did not splash, Lucy was heart broken! She wanted to know what happened and what Grumpy did to the pond. She wanted to know why the water was gone.
Our trip home was a little rough. Lucy didn't want to be in the car and I felt really drowsy, but we made it. We've had a nice, low-key evening. Lucy And I spent some time looking at Grammys Christmas village and singing Christmas Carols. Precious moments. I convinced her to "let the songs go to bed" and carried her to bed. She fell asleep in my lap as I played with her hair while surfing the web. I'm going to bed nice and early in hopes I feel better rested tomorrow. Goodnight world!
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Today wasn't bad, and I feel content
Staring the clock down as my 14 hour shift (6 hours ot) comes to a close. I'm really glad I'm taking the needed steps to get my finances in order. It feels good to take responsibility! a little segment of overtime tomorrow as well, followed by a dash on Friday. Soon my car will be all paid off! There is a light at the end of that tunnel.
I'm proud I kept my eating under control today. Some days it's a struggle to eat only when and what I need, but I won't let it spiral out of control.
Yesterday night, I had a pretty decent heart to heart with Ryan. We talked about a lot of things, but the thing that stayed most in my mind is how I let others effect me. I have always been such a people pleaser.
Ryan and I currently live with his parents, and I feel an overbearing emotion to keep up after everyone. I do this because I don't want to burden anyone with anything I leave behind. Mostly Ryan's step father. He is a generous and hard working man, but he has this awful unhappiness and negativity inside him. He is incredibly hard to please.
He's been home a lot lately because of surgery. I was really hoping the time off would give him the break he needed and he would be in better spirits. However, I am only noticing it more. It seems he doesn't ever have anything nice to say about anyone. Of course that isn't wholly true, but sometimes I can't help but feel that way. He even goes as far to predict the negative emotions others will have about his actions. Then I find myself anticipating the others negative reactions to him and even myself. But it's not just others,.He talks about all of his struggles and how hard it is for him. I feel so sad for him, and I've found myself going to overly great lengths to try to make up for all of the negative emotions he has. Unfortunately, I've also picked up some of his actions, like banging around and sighing instead of respectfully asking for help. I am really struggling to not allow myself to take on the negative emotions or actions. I'm sensitive to people being unhappy and I've been surrounded by a lit if unhappiness. Not to mention, I feel very indebted to him. He is providing a warm roof over my little family's head. I feel like we are only another burden upon him.
I picked up this great article today. It stated how not everyone was going to like you. Everyone had been through different experiences that effect how they do and see things. You can't change the way a person views everything because of this, and most important, one shouldn't try to change so hard to try to be liked by everyone. It leads you away from your desired paths and can even diminish your self worth. If one can find the strength to accept that people are different (and it is okay), one will soon find more acceptance of themselves. it will become okay for one to be different too! It is important to spend energy finding thinks that are like you or make you happy. Try not to use that energy trying to change the things you love to make sure everyone else is happy. If you surround yourself with like people, it is never much effort to keep them happy. For the people who are different, it is beautiful that every person is unique and people can disagree. See the beauty in the difference, and even though it is not always easy, let it be.
Saturday, November 15, 2014
Relaxing before bed
Fourteen hour work day on Saturdays. And that's today! Well technically, yesterday, but I haven't gone to bed yet.
I'm feeling content all nestled up in bed under about four layers of covers, the room gently lit by a candle. Ahhh. Sigh of relief. Good job Alicia.
The day went pretty smooth. I enjoyed some Tea and Sudoku in the morning while watching Avatar with three really content kids. It started the day off easy and enjoyable. I actually spent most of my day sitting down. I was so excited to run up and down the stairs a few times during break and it gave me so much wonderful energy after sitting around. I also did over 100 calf raises at work and took two yoga breaks in the bathroom. I am loving some of the flows I've been learning. They kept me feeling very present, balanced, and centered.
I was proud that I didn't scrape my plates clean of food and I was able to leave a bite of four out of 6 foods on my plate, which is a huge accomplishment.
After work, I did 75 squats while rocking Lucy to sleep. I didn't get as deep as I would have liked but Lucy weighs at least twenty something pounds. Everything evens out! My best accomplishment was 15 unassisted push ups, and how I didn't struggle to bang out the last few. I really noticed an improvement from all of push ups I've done the past days in a row. Not too much to report in today, but nothing horrible! Yay decent days:)
Friday, November 14, 2014
First Snow Of Fall 2014
Lucy was completely in awe at the snow when she crawled out of bed at 6:55 this morning. Of course, she convinced me to go out and play before breakfast. How could one not get excited with as much enthusiasm as Lucy does?
A fresh dusting of snow is one of New England's finest sights. I love the way it clings to the twigs and branches. We were outside before the sun peeked over the hill, every thing shone with light blue hues. It was very pleasant to spend some time enjoying the outdoors even though I was awake earlier than I would have liked to be.
We then came inside and sat down to breakfast. Sundried tomato chicken sausage, sauteed onions and sweet potatoes, a slice of sourdough, an over easy egg topped with half a fried tomato, and a dusting of cheddar. Breakfast was followed by some quality couch time cuddled up with some of my new favorite "positive energy" tangerine tea and a few sudoku puzzles. Lucy cuddled besides me watching her fair share of Mickey Mouse Club House.
I was also able to accomplish some laundry after chasing Lucy around the house with various pieces of it. Then I sat Lucy besides me with crayons and a coloring book while I started to cut out an apron she will get for Christmas. She loves to help me cook sometimes, and I really enjoy it.
Shortly after, I picked up Lucy and carried her to her room where we cuddled up on the bed and read some stories. I laid down with her for a few minutes until she fell asleep. Her curly head was resting lightly on mine and she easily set sail into dream land.
When I left the bed, I was feeling very energetic, and took advantage of my last minutes before work to squeeze in 12 min of stair climbing and a shower. It wasn't much, but something at all feels so great. I hurried off to work, slightly behind schedule, but hey, I've been on time to work for a record number of days:)
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Reflection of Happiness For This Day
For The Love Of Naps
Naps can be the most wonderful thing. I felt my anxiety hanging over me quite a bit this morning. Not much that I did quieted it. Finally, I was able to lay my baby down form a nap. I had all of these expectations as to what was going to get done during my mini vacation from being a mom. After reading a few books to Lucy, and laying down to cuddle her for a minute, I had a the realization that I needed to nap more than anything else. I am not sure if I fell asleep at all, but to lay in bed all cozy and warm was enough to ease my restless mind.
I'm so thankful the second part of my day has a chance for something enjoyable. Feeling renewed, I'm able to roll out of bed on the right side.
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Finding The Strength For Strength
Some days, it's easy to get the rock rollin'. Some days that smooth little rock teeters at the top of a hill and if you look at it the right way it rolls down the hill practically all on its own. Other days, that flipping rock is twice as tall as me and square. I have to strain to push it TO the hill and perhaps even up a hill before it's ready to go down the other side. And honestly, some times I don't have the strength to move that rock, if much at all. It can be so defeating when that happens. Stupid, big, ugly, fat rock!
But you know what, some days you have to make peace with that rock. You can call both it and yourself all of the most colorfully ugly things in the book, but you're only going to make yourself feel worse, and all that anger isn't going to convince it to move. Perhaps, instead of trying to move it, one could do something else. Maybe one could just climb up and take a seat. Breathe some air, and accept where you are that day. Take a look around and absorb what you can see from the top, how far you have already helped it roll.
I'm thankful that the rock wasn't too heavy today. As I march, on the stair climber at 12:23 am after working nine hours, I am thankful to have the health and the strength to work my body today.
I started a squat challenge with a friend in an online active support group, and it's been hard to start! But once I get into position and sink my weight down, it makes me happy. By the time I reach however many squats I need to (today was 60) I feel undefeated and strong. Way to finish day three Lady!
To be outdoors in Mid November, with the sun shining and in light layers, is also another thong to be truly grateful for. The fall has been not only very beautiful, but very kind as well.
Beans to use as chili soaking in the pot overnight, ground beef defrosting, is something to look forward to for tomorrow, my mid week day off that is the best.
Now to stretch, shower, refuel, and rest. Goodnight.
Monday, November 10, 2014
Simple Joys
It's ever so important to remember the things throughout the day that made you feel good in any way.
After a morning routine of breakfast and getting dressed, sprinkled with attempts to do laundry and dishes, Lucy and I headed out to Hannafords to pick up some things for the week. It was one of those times that sitting in a carriage for X amount of time pleased Lucy. She squealed with delight as we buckled up, then demanded that I "Run! Fast!" from the car into the store. Now one might notice the awkward looks we get as we run and scream across the parking lot. However it's worth the giggles and excited arm flaps that come from the creature I've strapped into the cart. I can't help but smile and laugh...
We bomb around the store talking about whatever attracts her interest. I was also honking her nose and trying to push the carriage without letting her hands touch mine while making a really funny pretend fuss. We finished up with another dash across the parking lot, weaving around pedestrians and carefully watching for cars. Times like these make my heart feel fun and light.
The middle hunk of day was neutral and uneventful. A short blip of time playing outside in the gorgeous day, a quick nap for Lucy and a trip to the chiropractor for my little family. The drive was long, as his office moved, but it was a lovely drive. The roads were smooth and the towns, beautiful. Our visit went well and we headed home.
As my mind wandered on the drive home, something popped into my head. The whole thought of a house hunt made me ponder how my credit was faring with my negligence to pay my over three hundred dollar a month payment. I finally sucked it up and called my loan company. I had heard of income-based repayment and hoped that I could take that route. I am so thankful I called. The company brought my account current and gave me an incredibly easy monthly payment that I would never have to worry about until I get a better paying job. Such an incredible weight had been lifted from my shoulders knowing I wasn't doomed to be drowned in payments any time soon. And able to keep the credit I've earned for myself! The thought!!!
In the evening, I let my inner cook shine. I boiled some chicken stock, made a successful attempt at salsa Verde with tomatillos I had been given, and endeavored in some very therapeutic sourdough bread making. I pulled up a step stool for Lucy to stand level at the counter at my side. We poured (most) ingredients into the bowl and stirred it until it needed to be kneaded. I plopped the mass onto the counter. I laid Lucy's hands over it, and pressed gently down on her hands with mine. Then I showed her with my hands how to fold the dough. We sang and pressed the dough together for a few minutes and I felt happy. Of course, toddlers will be toddlers and when she asked, I released her to go cause trouble elsewhere.
I continued to work the dough and hum random melodies. I slowed my kneading and just let my hands sink slowly into the dough, then gently folding and squeezing it. I have made bread many times, but never like this. It felt so good to not rush the process. The dough turned into something that I've never managed to accomplish. It was fluffy and completely the same through out. It even appeared to bubble as I worked it. Maybe it was the love and happiness that was happening in that moment. Maybe Lucy is just a master bread maker and every loaf her little dimpley hands touched was going to be perfect. Either way, I can't wait to slide that loaf into the oven.
I put an end to Lucy's day with an Epson salt and lavender bath. Then we went to her room while I used a hair dryer to dry all of her little rolls and heat the coconut oil I rubbed all over her skin. She screamed and giggled and took little breaks to enjoy being rubbed. For the first time, she rolled onto her belly so I could oil her back, arms and neck. She laid there and pretended to sleep for quite some time. I was so astonished that she didn't try to escape and run away as fast as she could, naked and screaming. Finally I convinced her to put on her pajamas so we could say goodnight to Grammy and Pappy and read books. After the night time I love you's, Lucy and I curled up in bed with a blanket and read by only the light from her night lights. When we had gone through the pile at least once, I scooped her up and we sang some lullabies. It's so sweet to hear her sing the songs back to me. I laid her down and told her I love her. She quietly returned the gesture as I walked out of the room. It's my favorite when I can leave and she doesn't get sad.
Now I'm left to have some one on one mommy time and unwind before bed. A steamy shower and some cranberry juice. What a glorious day to end my weekend.
Sunday, November 9, 2014
Keeping The Storm Off The Coast
Like Weather
Within my daily travels, I've heard several people compare the brain and how it works to the weather.
The more I ponder this, the more I believe it to be true.
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
English muffins and snow.
It's snowing again.
So many people are displeased about it, I don't mind though. It's the cold that's getting to me my house hasn't been consistently above sixty in over a month. It's not so bad though. I've been eating a ton of food and snuggling up to Lucy and Ryan at night. Some days I even wear leggings under my Pj pants but its super cozy. I've also rediscovered my lost love for coffee. And yes, I've been putting cream in it (for the first time in two years).
My drive home tonight was gorgeous. It was mostly dark leaving the barn, and definitely all of the way dark by the time I got home. We received a little more than a dusting of snow, but it was beautiful. Whether it's because of the environmental conditions, or because I've been practicing mindfulness, the snow was shimmering. It twinkled as it lay motionless on the pavement I drove upon, and also as it fell from the sky. It was amazing! It was a great way to end my daily travels.
The weather also has me leveling up my domestic abilities. Even though I've tried to stay clear of wheat, I love making bread. Today I tried my luck at homemade English muffins. I wasn't totally pleased with the outcome. Mostly because there were minimal to no nooks and crannies, but that's what I get for trying to rush bread to rise before work. Next time I'll do a better job activating the yeast and waiting out the rising process. I made 14 before work and less than six hour later, there are only two left. It seems everyone else in my house thought they were terrible!
Not a bad way to spend my day. I also had my first ever successful use of the moby baby wrap. This wrap is essentially a long piece of overpriced fabric you wrap your baby and yourself in and hope the baby stays strapped to you. The thought is you can then have the use of both hands when your baby refuses to be anywhere but in your arms. I've wrapped Lucy in it before but then usually had to use an arm to prevent her from falling out, which kind of defeats the purpose. But not today! After ten infuriating minutes for both Lucy and I, we managed our first successful wrap. Getting her situated was the hardest part, and to be honest i really thought I was going to break her legs trying to get them correctly positioned. But we achieved the wrap! I was able to do almost a complete load of dishes and brush my teeth before Lucy insisted on getting down. If my mom hadnt wanted it so badly and didnt spend $50 on it, I wouldn't have much of a problem burning the thing. Wouldn't hurt to have some extra fuel for the woodstove....
Not a bad day at all!
Saturday, February 15, 2014
Lucy: The Great Game Changer.
I consider myself a grazer. I am not one for huge meals where you sit down and eat until you can't move... alright maybe occasionally, but on a day-to-day basis, snack time, all of the time.
As I sit here, only long enough to begin a post, I'm sharing half a bag of Newman's Own All Natural popcorn with my own personal editor, Lucy. Even though she only has known the world barely over a year, she really knows how to write. If I write the wrong thing, she corrects me by ferociously bashing the keyboard with her palms, or in this case, with a teabag she has fished out of an empty mug. This keyboard's days are numbered.
I know I'll only be able to sit here until the popcorn gets boring, or spread all over the floor. But for the moment sitting is wonderful.
It is hard to wrap my mind around the difference between my life before I had Lucy and now.
My practically started over on a new planet.
I have never felt more clueless than when I left the hospital and brought my 8 pound 7.8 ounce bundle of joy into my home. Totally overwhelmed that her little self, her health, her happiness, her safety now totally relied upon no one else but Ryan and I. Ryan was, or at least seemed, comfortable and a natural about the whole thing. I mean, Ryan is as cool as a cucumber and in the years I have known him, I've never seen him legitimately flustered at anything. Not only did he have that going for him, but he has three young nephews that were 2, 4 and 5 at the time.No one in my immediate or even distant family has had a child in a long time. On my father's side, my youngest cousin was 17 years old.On my mother's side, at the age of 19, my sister was the youngest. None of my siters or cousins, none of my friends or even anyone I saw on a regular basis had any children close to new born. It was a realm I had no recent experience in. Being responsible for a completely helpless life was (and by was I mean is) entirely terrifying.
And it was a rough start for us. Even though I took the breastfeeding class, it just wasn't working. It was the day after we brought her home, we were up all night just trying to get anything right, and we were without any luck. Lucy was insatiably crying and not sleeping for more than a half hour at a time and I was so sore it was comparable to natural child birth. The next morning, we returned frantically back to the hospital because Lucy hadn't gone to the bathroom in over 12 hours. Lucy had been in my life only a few days and I was a complete wreck with worry for her. Shortly after our arrival, they took all of Lucy's vitals and weighed her. She had lost over a pound. We were admitted and they kept us at the hospital for three days. In those days, Lucy was administered two rounds of IV fluids and I became acquainted with a breast pump. I was also given some confidence with some extra help from nurses and slowly began feeling comfortable about the tremendous responsibilities as a mom. But seriously. Talk about a traumatizing beginning.
Our first month was insane and consisted of more than a handful of doctor visits, another overnight hospital stay, a bout of mastitis, and of course sleep deprivation. Even through all of that, I wouldn't have traded it for my old life, or a life without Lucy.
Now, my life revolves around her.
I take better care of myself because she needs me here and I want her to grow up healthy. I am so thankful for the strength she gave me to take the initiative to live better in general. I've learned how to cook. I used to only know how to operate the microwave. I've jogged over 14 miles when I used to barely finish one. I look out for myself and I look out for her.
And I'm finally learning how to care more for my own little family. Unfortunately sometimes that means making great sacrifices for the happiness of everyone else around me. Being a people pleaser, it has not been an easy thing but no matter how wrong or selfish it feels, it's Lucy that really matters the most.
My game has been completely changed. It has not been easy, but it has been wonderful. It is for the absolute best.