Friday, November 14, 2014

First Snow Of Fall 2014

Lucy was completely in awe at the snow when she crawled out of bed at 6:55 this morning. Of course, she convinced me to go out and play before breakfast. How could one not get excited with as much enthusiasm as Lucy does?
A fresh dusting of snow is one of New England's finest sights. I love the way it clings to the twigs and branches. We were outside before the sun peeked over the hill, every thing shone with light blue hues. It was very pleasant to spend some time enjoying the outdoors even though I was awake earlier than I would have liked to be.
We then came inside and sat down to breakfast. Sundried tomato chicken sausage, sauteed onions and sweet potatoes, a slice of sourdough, an over easy egg topped with half a fried tomato, and a dusting of cheddar. Breakfast was followed by some quality couch time cuddled up with some of my new favorite "positive energy" tangerine tea and a few sudoku puzzles. Lucy cuddled besides me watching her fair share of Mickey Mouse Club House.
I was also able to accomplish some laundry after chasing Lucy around the house with various pieces of it. Then I sat Lucy besides me with crayons and a coloring book while I started to cut out an apron she will get for Christmas. She loves to help me cook sometimes, and I really enjoy it.
Shortly after, I picked up Lucy and carried her to her room where we cuddled up on the bed and read some stories. I laid down with her for a few minutes until she fell asleep. Her curly head was resting lightly on mine and she easily set sail  into dream land.
When I left the bed, I was feeling very energetic, and took advantage of my last minutes before work to squeeze in 12 min of stair climbing and a shower. It wasn't much, but something at all feels so great. I hurried off to work, slightly behind schedule, but hey, I've been on time to work for a record number of days:)

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