Monday, November 10, 2014

Simple Joys

It's ever so important to remember the things throughout the day that made you feel good in any way.
After a morning routine of breakfast and getting dressed, sprinkled with attempts to do laundry and dishes, Lucy and I headed out to Hannafords to pick up some things for the week. It was one of those times that sitting in a carriage for X amount of time pleased Lucy. She squealed with delight as we buckled up, then demanded that I "Run! Fast!" from the car into the store. Now one might notice the awkward looks we get as we run and scream across the parking lot. However it's worth the giggles and excited arm flaps that come from the creature I've strapped into the cart. I can't help but smile and laugh...
We bomb around the store talking about whatever attracts her interest. I was also honking her nose and trying to push the carriage without letting her hands touch mine while making a really funny pretend fuss. We finished up with another dash across the parking lot, weaving around pedestrians and carefully watching for cars. Times like these make my heart feel fun and light.
The middle hunk of day was neutral and uneventful. A short blip of time playing outside in the gorgeous day, a quick nap for Lucy and a trip to the chiropractor for my little family. The drive was long, as his office moved, but it was a lovely drive. The roads were smooth and the towns, beautiful. Our visit went well and we headed home.
As my mind wandered on the drive home, something popped into my head. The whole thought of a house hunt made me ponder how my credit was faring with my negligence to pay my over three hundred dollar a month payment. I finally sucked it up and called my loan company. I had heard of income-based repayment and hoped that I could take that route. I am so thankful I called. The company brought my account current and gave me an incredibly easy monthly payment that I would never have to worry about until I get a better paying job. Such an incredible weight had been lifted from my shoulders knowing I wasn't doomed to be drowned in payments any time soon. And able to keep the credit I've earned for myself! The thought!!!
In the evening, I let my inner cook shine. I boiled some chicken stock, made a successful attempt at salsa Verde with tomatillos I had been given, and endeavored in some very therapeutic sourdough bread making. I pulled up a step stool for Lucy to stand level at the counter at my side. We poured (most) ingredients into the bowl and stirred it until it needed to be kneaded. I plopped the mass onto the counter. I laid Lucy's hands over it, and pressed gently down on her hands with mine. Then I showed her with my hands how to fold the dough. We sang and pressed the dough together for a few minutes and I felt happy. Of course, toddlers will be toddlers and when she asked, I released her to go cause trouble elsewhere.
I continued to work the dough and hum random melodies. I slowed my kneading and just let my hands sink slowly into the dough, then gently folding and squeezing it. I have made bread many times, but never like this. It felt so good to not rush the process. The dough turned into something that I've never managed to accomplish. It was fluffy and completely the same through out. It even appeared to bubble as I worked it. Maybe it was the love and happiness that was happening in that moment. Maybe Lucy is just a master bread maker and every loaf her little dimpley hands touched was going to be perfect. Either way, I can't wait to slide that loaf into the oven.
I put an end to Lucy's day with an Epson salt and lavender bath. Then we went to her room while I used a hair dryer to dry all of her little rolls and heat the coconut oil I rubbed all over her skin. She screamed and giggled and took little breaks to enjoy being rubbed. For the first time, she rolled onto her belly so I could oil her back, arms and neck. She laid there and pretended to sleep for quite some time. I was so astonished that she didn't try to escape and run away as fast as she could, naked and screaming. Finally I convinced her to put on her pajamas so we could say goodnight to Grammy and Pappy and read books. After the night time I love you's, Lucy and I curled up in bed with a blanket and read by only the light from her night lights. When we had gone through the pile at least once, I scooped her up and we sang some lullabies. It's so sweet to hear her sing the songs back to me. I laid her down and told her I love her. She quietly returned the gesture as I walked out of the room. It's my favorite when I can leave and she doesn't get sad.
Now I'm left to have some one on one mommy time and unwind before bed. A steamy shower and some cranberry juice. What a glorious day to end my weekend.

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