Sunday, November 23, 2014

Last Sunday of November.

I can't say I'm totally in love with feeling like my insides are falling out. However, the day was filled with lovely things. Peanut butter toast for breakfast, tea for the ride to Barre, my hour and a half long yoga class... great start to the day:) After yoga, I was able to take some additional time to myself and visit Andi and Barb and brush some ponies. I spent a lot of time brushing a pony names Sunny D who happily stood for me to brush him for an extended period of time. He would randomly talk to me and try to convince me that I should feed him the carrots in my pockets. He's a beautiful guy. He also licked my face, which I can't say has ever happened to me before. Andi was unfortunately preoccupied by a bunch of visitors, but it allowed me to get my Zen on and brush Sunny D and hum to myself quietly. I secretly wish Ryan and I will get a house big enough for me to keep Sunny there for Barb. A girl can dream right?
I had a really nice and mellow day at my mom's. The weather was gorgeous and I managed to scrape myself outside to play with Lucy. We ran around and I pushed her in the airplane swing. At one point, Lucy had asked my sister Deidra to throw a rock into the water. When the rock landed on ice and did not splash, Lucy was heart broken! She wanted to know what happened and what Grumpy did to the pond. She wanted to know why the water was gone.
Our trip home was a little rough. Lucy didn't want to be in the car and I felt really drowsy, but we made it. We've had a nice, low-key evening. Lucy And I spent some time looking at Grammys Christmas village and singing Christmas Carols. Precious moments. I convinced her to "let the songs go to bed" and carried her to bed. She fell asleep in my lap as I played with her hair while surfing the web. I'm going to bed nice and early in hopes I feel better rested tomorrow. Goodnight world!

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