Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Finding The Strength For Strength

Some days, it's easy to get the rock rollin'. Some days that smooth little rock teeters at the top of a hill and if you look at it the right way it rolls down the hill practically all on its own. Other days, that flipping rock is twice as tall as me and square. I have to strain to push it TO the hill and perhaps even up a hill before it's ready to go down the other side. And honestly, some times I don't have the strength to move that rock, if much at all. It can be so defeating when that happens. Stupid, big, ugly, fat rock!
But you know what, some days you have to make peace with that rock. You can call both it and yourself all of the most colorfully ugly things in the book, but you're only going to make yourself feel worse, and all that anger isn't going to convince it to move. Perhaps, instead of trying to move it, one could do something else. Maybe one could just climb up and take a seat. Breathe some air, and accept where you are that day. Take a look around and absorb what you can see from the top, how far you have already helped it roll.

I'm thankful that the rock wasn't too heavy today. As I march, on the stair climber at 12:23 am after working nine hours, I am thankful to have the health and the strength to work my body today.
I started a squat challenge with a friend in an online active support group, and it's been hard to start! But once I get into position and sink my weight down, it makes me happy. By the time I reach however many squats I need to (today was 60) I feel undefeated and strong. Way to finish day three Lady!
To be outdoors in Mid November, with the sun shining and in light layers, is also another thong to be truly grateful for. The fall has been not only very beautiful, but very kind as well.
Beans to use as chili soaking in the pot overnight, ground beef defrosting, is something to look forward to for tomorrow, my mid week day off that is the best.
Now to stretch, shower, refuel, and rest. Goodnight.

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