Wednesday, March 5, 2014

English muffins and snow.

It's snowing again.

So many people are displeased about it, I don't mind though. It's the cold that's getting to me my house hasn't been consistently above sixty in over a month. It's not so bad though. I've been eating a ton of food and snuggling up to Lucy and Ryan at night. Some days I even wear leggings under my Pj pants but its super cozy. I've also rediscovered  my lost love for coffee. And yes, I've been putting cream in it (for the first time in two years).

My drive home tonight was gorgeous. It was mostly dark leaving the barn, and definitely all of the way dark by the time I got home. We received a little more than a dusting of snow, but it was beautiful. Whether it's because of the environmental conditions, or because I've been practicing mindfulness, the snow was shimmering. It twinkled as it lay motionless on the pavement I drove upon, and also as it fell from the sky. It was amazing! It was a great way to end my daily travels.

The weather also has me leveling up my domestic abilities. Even though I've tried to stay clear of wheat, I love making bread. Today I tried my luck at homemade English muffins. I wasn't totally pleased with the outcome. Mostly because there were minimal to no nooks and crannies, but that's what I get for trying to rush bread to rise before work. Next time I'll do a better job activating the yeast and waiting out the rising process. I made 14 before work and less than six hour later, there are only two left. It seems everyone else in my house thought they were terrible!

Not a bad way to spend my day. I also had my first ever successful use of the moby baby wrap. This wrap is essentially a long piece of overpriced fabric you wrap your baby and yourself in and hope the baby stays strapped to you. The thought is you can then have the use of both hands when your baby refuses to be anywhere but in your arms. I've wrapped Lucy in it before but then usually had to use an arm to prevent her from falling out, which kind of defeats the purpose. But not today! After ten infuriating minutes for both Lucy and I, we managed our first successful wrap. Getting her situated was the hardest part, and to be honest i really thought I was going to break her legs trying to get them correctly positioned. But we achieved the wrap! I was able to do almost a complete load of dishes and brush my teeth before Lucy insisted on getting down. If my mom hadnt wanted it so badly and didnt spend $50 on it, I wouldn't have much of a problem burning the thing. Wouldn't hurt to have some extra fuel for the woodstove....

Not a bad day at all!

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