Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Today wasn't bad, and I feel content

Staring the clock down as my 14 hour shift (6 hours ot) comes to a close. I'm really glad I'm taking the needed steps to get my finances in order. It feels good to take responsibility! a little segment of overtime tomorrow as well, followed by a dash on Friday. Soon my car will be all paid off! There is a light at the end of that tunnel.
I'm proud I kept my eating under control today. Some days it's a struggle to eat only when and what I need, but I won't let it spiral out of control.
Yesterday night, I had a pretty decent heart to heart with Ryan. We talked about a lot of things, but the thing that stayed most in my mind is how I let others effect me. I have always been such a people pleaser.
Ryan and I currently live with his parents, and I feel an overbearing emotion to keep up after everyone. I do this because I don't want to burden anyone with anything I leave behind. Mostly Ryan's step father. He is a generous and hard working man, but he has this awful unhappiness and negativity inside him. He is  incredibly hard to please.
He's been home a lot lately because of surgery. I was really hoping the time off would give him the break he needed and he would be in better spirits. However, I am only noticing it more. It seems he doesn't ever have anything nice to say about anyone. Of course that isn't wholly true, but sometimes I can't help but feel that way. He even goes as far to predict the negative emotions others will have about his actions. Then I find myself anticipating the others negative reactions to him and even myself. But it's not just others,.He talks about all of his struggles and how hard it is for him. I feel so sad for him, and I've found myself going to overly great lengths to try to make up for all of the negative emotions he has. Unfortunately, I've also picked up some of his actions, like banging around and sighing instead of respectfully asking for help. I am really struggling to not allow myself to take on the negative emotions or actions. I'm sensitive to people being unhappy and I've been surrounded by a lit if unhappiness.  Not to mention, I feel very indebted to him. He is providing a warm roof over my little family's head. I feel like we are only another burden upon him.
I picked up this great article today. It stated how not everyone was going to like you. Everyone had been through different experiences that effect how they do and see things. You can't change the way a person views everything because of this, and most important, one shouldn't try to change so hard to try to be liked by everyone. It leads you away from your desired paths and can even diminish your self worth. If one can find the strength to accept that people are different (and it is okay), one will soon find more acceptance of themselves. it will become okay for one to be different too! It is important to spend energy finding thinks that are like you or make you happy. Try not to use that energy trying to change the things you love to make sure everyone else is happy. If you surround yourself with like people, it is never much effort to keep them happy. For the people who are different, it is beautiful that every person is unique and people can disagree. See the beauty in the difference, and even though it is not always easy, let it be.

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